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My Recent Posts
10 Benefits of Magnesium Supplementation You're Missing Out On.
It is estimated that at least 50% of Americans are magnesium deficient which can result in poor sleep quality, diabetes, anxiety and depress
Why I Don't Depend Solely on Food For My Nutritional Needs
Most of the food that we consume today is nothing like what our parents and grandparents were consuming. It's not as nutrient dense, sun
What the Pharmaceutical Industry Doesn't Want You to Know About the Cucurbitaceae Family.
So viagra basically localizes what watermelon does to your whole body. Watermelon has no side effects.
Why Your Digestion is Sluggish and 4 Simple Ways to Fix It.
What if I told you that your digestion was probably sluggish in some way? Would you believe me? Our diets have gotten so far away from...
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